Sometimes we make a decision, and then everything goes wrong.
We realize we could have made a better decision and need to correct it. But sometimes that’s not possible. In these cases, we cannot reverse the decision because there’s no way to change things that have already happened.
However, there are many cases where you can reverse your decision.
There Are Many Examples of People Who’ve Changed Their Minds
The world is full of examples of people who’ve changed their minds and had great success.
There are countless stories of people who made decisions that didn’t work out but found ways to make those decisions work for them in the end. The key was that they didn’t give up on their vision – they just changed how they wanted to achieve it.
Bill Gates, for example, made the big decision to drop out of Harvard to start a company with his friend Paul Allen. That eventually became Microsoft, a billion-dollar company that he still runs today. Or Steve Jobs, who was fired from Apple (his own company) before returning as CEO and turning it into one of the most valuable companies in the world.
That’s not to say it’s easy to change your mind and always be successful! But it can be done – and it’s been done thousands of times by people like you and me.
There Are Ways to Rethink a Decision You’ve Made
Revisiting your decision-making process can be daunting, but it’s not impossible. There are some ways to revise your decision and make the right choice.
First, take time to reflect on how you made your original decision. Try to remember what was going through your mind at the time:
- Was it based on facts or feelings?
- Were you pressured by others?
- Did you’ve all the information you needed?
- Were you overwhelmed or stressed?
Second, ask yourself if there’s anything that could’ve happened differently that would have led to a different outcome. Think about whether there was anything you could have changed that would have led to a different outcome:
- Was there anything that happened between your first decision and now that could have influenced your new decision?
Third, consider what would happen if you changed your mind again:
- What would be the consequences if you changed your mind again?
- How will it affect the people around you?
- Will they be angry with you for changing your mind once too often?
- Do other people value their own opinions as much as you do?
When You Reverse a Big Decision, Be Honest With Yourself About Why
Sometimes we make decisions and then change them back. That’s normal, but it’s essential to be honest about why you’re changing your mind.
Or, if you’re afraid of what’ll happen if you stick with your original plan, ask yourself if that fear is worth giving up something good because you’re afraid of something terrible.
And if it’s because you no longer feel like sticking with your original plan, ask yourself what’s changed for you since your original decision – and whether those changes are positive or negative.
Talk to a Friend or Trusted Advisor
If you’re having difficulty following through with a decision, talk to a friend or trusted advisor.
It’s easy to feel alone when considering a significant change in your life. But chances are there are people in your life who’re happy to listen to you and help you make a decision.
A good start is reaching out to someone who knows you and cares about you, such as a close friend or family member. They may be able to give you advice on how not to make the same mistake again, and they may even have ideas on how to deal with your fear of change.
If that doesn’t work for some reason, you should see someone who knows about your problem, like a therapist or counselor! These professionals can help you with your decision-making by taking the time to understand what’s stopping you from making progress and then help you solve the problem.
Take Your Time
You know what they say: if you reverse a decision, you’ll regret it. But sometimes we’ve to make those decisions – especially regarding our careers. Maybe we’ve found the perfect job, but then we get cold feet because there are so many reasons not to take it. Or we’re torn between two jobs that are equally good in different ways.
The thing is: You don’t want to keep shuttling back and forth and telling the world about it – that looks indecisive and weak, and mostly, it will lead you to a decision fatigue process. Instead of rushing into a decision, think about how you want to approach things.
Reaffirm Why You Want to Change Your Decision
When you reverse a decision, it’s not uncommon to question your reasons and wonder what you were thinking. But sometimes, we do this when we feel insecure about our decisions. When we have a strong sense of self-worth, we can make decisions and stick with them – even if they don’t work out.
So when you’ve doubts about something, try to remember why you decided to do it in the first place. If it felt right then and still does now, there’s nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if you feel unsure or like something has changed since then – maybe your priorities have shifted – it wasn’t the right decision for you.
Learn From Your Mistakes
When you reverse a choice, it’s usually because you made a mistake. And mistakes are okay! We all make them. What’s important is that you learn from your mistakes and continue to educate yourself to ensure your actions are right for you.
When something goes wrong or doesn’t go as planned, we tend to blame ourselves and our decisions – after all, none of this would have happened if we’d done more research or asked a friend for advice before making the final decision! But the truth is: that sometimes bad things happen, no matter how much we research or seek advice. Sometimes there’s no easy solution – and sometimes, that’s okay.
So the next time something goes wrong in your life, and you feel like it’s your fault for making a poor decision in the past, ask yourself: am I doing everything I can to find a solution?
Think About the Timing of the Announcement of Your New Decision
If you’ve decided against a job offer or a business partnership, you should think carefully about when to announce that choice. The right time will depend on the situation and your goals, but some general rules of thumb can help you make the right decision.
First, remember that people are more likely to accept a change of plans if they’re told early enough to make other plans. If they don’t find out until the last minute that something isn’t happening, they may feel blindsided and resent you for not warning them in time.
Second, if your reversal could’ve legal ramifications, it’s probably better to announce it sooner rather than later. You don’t want to get caught up in an unexpected legal battle because someone feels they were lied to or led to believe something was going to happen but wasn’t – and announcing your change of heart early gives them a chance to voice their concerns before legal action becomes necessary.
Finally, consider whether other factors make a particular time for your announcement better than another.
Visualize Your Process
When you reverse a decision, thinking about how you will deliver the news is crucial.
You need to visualize how you’ll tell people about your change of heart. Imagine what they’ll say, how they’ll react, and their feelings when they find out. That way, you can figure out if it’s worth it – and if so, how best to do it.
If you tell someone in person, imagine them hearing the message and asking questions as they process it. If someone asks a question that sounds like an accusation or complaint, think about why the person feels that way and try to address their concerns before they even ask it.
If you’re in an online community or forum where everyone posts anonymously, notify the moderators before posting your announcement. Hence, they know what’s happening and can steer the conversation if needed.
When You Make a Decision, You Often Think It’s Forever
But in reality, most decisions aren’t final. You can always reverse it and make another decision. Most of the time, it’s not the end of the world when you reverse a decision.
If you decided to do something that didn’t work out as well as you wanted, try not to get upset! Just because this thing didn’t work out doesn’t mean there won’t be many other options for you in the future.
If your decision doesn’t work out or if it causes problems in your life (or someone else’s), don’t be afraid to take action. You can change your mind and choose something else – no matter how much time has passed or how much effort you put into your original decision!
Some Decisions Are Irreversible
There are some cases where decisions aren’t reversible.
Once a crime is committed, no court can reverse it, and if there are witnesses who can provide additional evidence, you’ll be bound by your bad decision for a long time or the rest of your life, depending on the crime, and the chance of an appeal at the district court might be slim. Therefore, you should avoid making a wrong decision, especially a quick decision, out of anger or fear.
You can also make another important decision, like not taking out health insurance. Still, suppose you end up being denied admission to a hospital, especially in countries like the United States. That bad decision can cost you many years or decades, especially if you have no financial aid or benefits. The health insurance company doesn’t care if you realize it was the wrong decision.
However, when you make an important decision, such as quitting a job or starting a new business, you may realize that you could’ve made a better decision, and sometimes you can reverse it, depending on the situation.