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48 Flash Fiction Prompts: Season by Season

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve run out of ideas for writing? Are you looking for a way to jump-start your creativity? If so, then this blog post is for you! We have compiled creative writing prompts to help get your creative juices flowing. These prompts are designed to help you write flash fiction but can also be used for other forms of writing. We’ve compiled them for the seasons – one for each week – and hope that you enjoy these flash fiction writing prompts and that they help you create some amazing writing pieces!

Tip: Use a Flash Fiction Workbook for all your flash fiction stories.

Winter Flash Fiction Story Cues

  1. Write a story that takes place in a single room.
  2. Write from the perspective of an inanimate object.
  3. Write a story that includes the phrases “I should never have,” “if only,” and “why me?”
  4. Write a story in which a character tries to reconnect with a former love from a different era.
  5. Write a story in which the protagonist must choose between two equally undesirable outcomes.
  6. Write a story in which someone discovers they have supernatural powers.
  7. Write a story in which someone is haunted by a decision they made in the past.
  8. Write a story in which two people with vastly different worldviews conflict.
  9. Write a story in which the boundary between dreams and reality blurs.
  10. Write a story set in a world where everyone has telekinetic abilities.
  11. Write from the perspective of an animal being experimented on by humans.
  12. Write a story about two people who cannot communicate with one another due to circumstances beyond their control.

Spring Writing Prompts

  1. Write about someone who discovers that they are living in an alternate reality.
  2. Write about someone haunted by memories of things they have not experienced firsthand.
  3. Write about a character’s descent into madness.
  4. Write about someone who is trying to escape from their past.
  5. Write about two people who are madly in love but cannot be together.
  6. Write about someone who discovers they have lied to their entire life.
  7. Write about someone able to time travel but can only go back in time for brief moments at random intervals.
  8. Write about someone who can turn invisible at will but does not know why they have this power or how to control it.
  9. Write about an individual whose life choices are dictated by omens and portents they receive from the natural world around them.
  10. Write about someone who discovers they can manipulate time, but every time they use their power, it has unforeseen and dangerous consequences.
  11. Write about someone whose loved ones begin mysteriously disappearing one by one.
  12. Write from the perspective of an all-powerful being observing humans’ lives and pondering their purpose.

Summer Short Fiction Ideas

  1. Write about an individual whose life goals and ambitions change radically over just 24 hours.
  2. Write a story that starts and ends with the same sentence.
  3. Write a story in which the protagonist is trying to solve a mystery.
  4. Write a story in which a character tries to escape a difficult situation.
  5. Write a story in which someone is dealing with a personal tragedy.
  6. Write a story in which two people are trying to communicate but have difficulty understanding each other.
  7. Write a story in which someone is dealing with an impossible choice.
  8. Write a story that takes place in a single room.
  9. Write a story that starts and ends with the same sentence.
  10. Write a story about someone trying to escape from something/someone.
  11. Write a story in which someone discovers a hidden talent/ability they never knew they had.
  12. Write a story in which someone makes a life-changing decision on a whim.

Autumn Flash Fiction Challenge

  1. Write a story in which a character tries to reconnect with a former love from a different era.
  2. Write a story in which two people with opposing viewpoints are stranded on a deserted island together.
  3. Write a story in which a small act of kindness has ripple effects that change the course of history.
  4. Write a story in which artificial intelligence becomes sentient and questions its purpose.
  5. Write a story in which someone discovers they have the ability to time travel – but only forwards, never backward.
  6. Write a story in which a group of friends investigate their town’s dark history and uncover something sinister lurking beneath the surface.
  7. Write a story in which a character tries to escape their daily grind by going on vacation – but the vacation turns out to be just as mundane as their everyday life.
  8. Write a story in which someone discovers they can read other people’s thoughts – but they wish they didn’t.
  9. Write a story in which technology has advanced to the point where humans can no longer live without it – but there are unforeseen consequences.
  10. Write a story in which animals can suddenly start talking – but they only have nasty things to say about humans.
  11. Write a story in which the world is on the brink of an apocalypse – but one person knows how to prevent it.
  12. Write a story in which someone makes a deal with the devil – but it isn’t quite what they were expecting.

What is Flash Fiction

In a nutshell, flash fiction is a very short story, usually less than 1,000 words. Although brief, these stories can be powerful and punchy, packing a lot of emotion and plot into just a few sentences. There are an incredible variety of flash fiction stories written and published.

These stories can be powerful and emotive despite their brevity. Flash fiction often packs a lot of plot into just a few sentences, which makes them perfect for readers who don’t have a lot of time on their hands but still want to enjoy a good story and for creative writers similarly pushed for time.

Because of the short format, flash fiction can be the perfect tool to overcome writer’s block.

If you’re interested in writing flash fiction, you should keep a few things in mind.

  • First, because flash fiction stories are so short, making every word count is important. This means that you should focus on quality over quantity; rather than cramming as much description or exposition into your story as possible, take the time to carefully choose every word so that it has the maximum impact.
  • Second, don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats and storytelling techniques. Because they are so brief, flash fiction stories are the perfect opportunity to experiment with new ideas and see what works for you.
  • Finally, don’t forget that even though flash fiction stories are shorter than traditional stories, they still need to have a beginning, middle, and end. Just because your story is brief doesn’t mean that it can be sloppy; take the time to edit and revise your work so it is the best it can be.

Flash fiction is a great way to flex your creative muscles and try new ideas. Remember that quality trumps quantity when writing these stories, and don’t forget to edit and revise your work before you hit publish.

The Various Points of View in Flash Fiction

In the writing world, point of view (POV) is one of the elements authors use to create their stories. It’s the perspective from which the story is being told. Authors can choose from three different points of view when writing their stories: first person, second person, or third person. But what about flash fiction? What point of view do authors use for this genre?

First Person Point of View

The first person point of view is when the narrator is a character in the story and uses pronouns like “I” and “me.” The reader experiences the story through the narrator’s eyes. When using the first-person point of view, it’s important to choose a character who will be able to offer a unique perspective on the events unfolding in the story.

Second Person Point of View

The second person point of view is when the narrator addresses the reader directly as “you.” This point of view is less common in fiction, but it can be used effectively if done well. When using the second person point of view, it’s important to maintain a consistent tone throughout the story so that the reader doesn’t feel jarred by the sudden change in perspective.

Third Person Point of View

The third person point of view is when the narrator is not a character in the story and uses pronouns like “he,” “she,” and “they.” The reader experiences the story through the eyes of an omniscient narrator who knows everything about all of the characters in the story. When using the third person point of view, it’s important to make sure that there is a clear distinction between what each character thinks and feels so that readers don’t get confused.

So, what point of view should you use for your flash fiction story? The answer is that it depends on what you want your story to achieve. Each POV has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose wisely based on what will work best for your story.

The Elements of Great Flash Fiction

One of the challenges of writing flash fiction is being very strategic with your word choice. You need to ensure that every single word serves a purpose and advances the plot somehow. This can be difficult to do, but it’s also one thing that makes writing flash fiction so enjoyable. It forces you to think about your words and how they impact the story you’re trying to tell.

These are the things that will take your stories from good to great and make them truly enjoyable for your readers:

  • A scene that pulls the reader in, based on a strong story idea (use a prompt from above)
  • Characters that feel real
  • A plot with twists and turns: story structure matters, even in flash fiction!
  • Excellent word choice
  • A strong ending

What Things Should Be Left Out of Flash Fiction?

Because of its brevity, every word counts in flash fiction. So, what things should be left out to create a successful flash fiction piece? Here are some helpful writing tips:


Flash fiction pieces are meant to be short, so there is not always room for extensive backstories. In general, only include information necessary for understanding the current situation. Everything else can be left out.

Unnecessary Details

Along the same lines as backstory, unnecessary details can bog down a flash fiction piece and make it feel much longer than it is. Every detail included should serve a purpose, advancing the plot or furthering character development.

Excessive Character Development

While characters are important in flash fiction, there is usually not enough time to fully develop them the way you would in a longer story. In general, it is best to focus on one or two main characters and give them enough development to drive the plot forward without going into too much depth.


The resolution of a flash fiction piece does not need to be as complete as the resolution of a novel or even a short story. It is often more effective to leave the resolution open-ended so the reader can use their imagination to fill in the gaps.