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Is Traveling Really Worth It (Answered)

You’re probably wondering if you should take the plunge or stay in your comfort zone. I traveled for over 16 years and have met people who loved it, but also some who just wanted to go home from the moment they left home.

Some want to explore the world on a solo trip, family travel, start a business (e.g. digital nomad, travel blogger), etc. No matter what your reason, the question of whether travel is really worth it’s normal if you’ve never done it before. I’d say it depends on your personality and what you desire. In this article, you’ll find some important pros and cons of traveling.

Advantages of Travel

As someone who’s traveled extensively, I can tell you that travel has a lot of benefits. Aside from seeing the most beautiful places in the world and learning about different cultures, travel gives you many benefits that will change your life. Even though these “benefits” may not affect your travel life, they’ll take you much further in other areas of your life.

It Opens Your Mind

Traveling the world is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and that’s how it should be treated. You have the chance to create lasting memories that will stay with you forever.

A road trip opens your mind and allows you to see the world from a new perspective. It not only changes your perception of things but also your overall outlook on life.

It changes the way you perceive things because you can see what’s going on in other countries and cultures. When you finally visit another country, you’ll notice little details like the architecture that you didn’t notice before. You’ll start to look at people differently, which in turn will stimulate your creativity.

It’s the University of Life

The more you travel, the more you learn, the more you understand yourself and the world around you.

When you travel, you gain knowledge in different areas like history, culture or languages and even local cuisine if you want! You can read books, or see other countries on social media, but nothing beats first-hand experience if you want to learn something new.

You also gain confidence in your ability to handle a situation, even if it’s difficult and uncomfortable at times. You learn from your mistakes and from the mistakes of others. It’s always good to be a little afraid of what might go wrong. That way you’re careful and always on guard when you travel.

You Get to Know New People

Traveling gives you the opportunity to meet new people from different countries and cultures, especially if you’re on a solo trip. You can learn from them about other places or even taste their traditional food. When you travel, you’ll find that there’s always something interesting to do.

One of the best things about traveling is that it’s a great way to connect with people who share your interests. When you travel, you get to meet people who also like to travel. Plus, you can bond with them through your shared interest in travel. The best part is that they’re from other countries and will teach you about their country and help you understand it better.

People from other countries are also curious about your culture. When they see how you live, they’ll want to know more about it. They’ll ask you questions about your way of life and what makes your country unique. You can use this as an opportunity to tell them about your faith and tell them more about your culture. If they like what they hear, they may even visit your country one day.

Traveling Lets You See the World With a New Perspective

By taking a road trip, you get to know the world and the people in it better and understand how it works. It helps you understand others better and the world in general.

It helps us understand how different perspectives work and how valuable diversity can be. To really understand what’s going on out there, you need to step out of your comfort zone and see what life is like outside of your current reality. You won’t truly understand the world and others until you leave your own bubble.

Traveling is also about discovering yourself; it’s about learning who you’re and where you come from. You’ll see how diverse the world can be if you travel enough. Through it, you’ll also learn to appreciate the things you take for granted at home.

Traveling also teaches you about other cultures and allows you to learn things you couldn’t learn in school or college; it’s a great way to gain knowledge.

You Learn to Appreciate Things

As a traveler, you learn to appreciate the little things in life. When you’re away from your family or friends, you realize how important they’re to you and appreciate them more when you’re back together.

Traveling helps you get out of your comfort zone. Your mind opens up when you travel as you learn about other cultures and places. This can make you appreciate everyday things like a sunset or a good meal with your loved ones in a new way.

If you don’t like to travel, as mentioned above you’ll appreciate your home and the people around you more than ever before.

Either way, traveling will make you realize what’s really important to you.


International travel isn’t for everyone, especially for those who opt for long term travel and solo trips.

You’re Far Away From Home

It’s easy to get homesick at first, especially when you’re traveling to a place that’s very different from home.

Traveling to a new and exciting place can be stressful, but when you’re away from your own home, you may find it even harder to relax. The key to a less stressful trip is to remember that homesickness is only temporary.

The best way to deal with homesickness is to remember that your trip isn’t permanent. While you’re away, you’ll have great stories and experiences to tell about when you get home. And while you’re traveling, you’ll meet interesting people with whom you’ll have even more fun than you’d have if you’d stayed put.

Lack of Comfort

Have you ever thought about how much you suffer from discomfort while traveling? Yes, traveling may feel like a dream, but the reality isn’t always, especially if you’re traveling on a budget.

If you’re from England and you’re traveling to, say, New Zealand or San Francisco, convenience is probably not a big problem, but if you’re traveling to Russia or Canada in North America in the winter, it’s going to be freezing cold. While the scenery is beautiful and fascinating, it can also be unpleasant and uncomfortable. Make sure you plan for appropriate clothing.

Or if you’re traveling to tropical places like South America or Southeast Asia, you’ll be confronted with mosquitoes.

I’m not saying that your dream trip will be ruined by mosquitoes or cold weather, but if you don’t know how to deal with them, they may ruin part of the fun of your trip.

Mosquitoes are common in tropical areas like South America or Southeast Asia, where they breed in shallow waters and form colonies near them, just waiting for fresh blood – and you’re probably the perfect candidate! They can carry several diseases, some of which are deadly.

Before your trip, also make sure you’ve received all your vaccinations.

If you’re traveling on a budget, bedding (such as your mattress) can also be a hazard. It’s a good idea to check reviews on Trip Advisor before booking.

Personally, I’ve always put travel first and have ended up in many places that most travelers wouldn’t go, sometimes even without drinking water or electricity, but that’s a personal choice because travel is a passion for me.

It’s Expensive

Travel is one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences a person can have, but it can also be expensive. If you’ve ever wanted to see the world and explore faraway places, you know that travel isn’t cheap.

If you’re toying with the idea of traveling, you need to be aware that you’ll have to make certain sacrifices, as most travelers tend to go over their budget once they’re on the road.

The Reality Is Different From What You Imagined

It’s pretty impossible to depict the entire experience of a trip in one photo. The reason is that we, as viewers, don’t see the whole picture.

We only see the picturesque view from our hotel window or the beautiful sunset that appears on the horizon as we stroll down a street. We often forget all the inconveniences of traveling: getting up at 6 am to catch a flight and being at the airport 2 hours before, jet lag after crossing multiple time zones and difficulty sleeping in a foreign bed, no internet connection, and limited cell phone reception, difficulty communicating with locals, etc.

Language Barrier, Noise, Smells, Etc. Can Also Be a Challenge.

Traveling to a new destination can be an exciting experience. But it’s also important to be aware of challenges you may not expect. While these challenges may not apply to all travelers, it’s worth considering them before traveling.

Related: What Is Your Favorite Travel Destination and Why

You’re Leaving Your Environmental Footprint Behind

There’s no doubt that the tourism industry is a major contributor to the world’s carbon footprint. It’s responsible for 8% of all global emissions.

Every time you take a flight, you contribute to greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. For example, if you fly from New York to Los Angeles, you contribute about five pounds of carbon dioxide per person. That may not seem like much, but when you consider how many flights most travelers take in an average year, it can add up quickly.

Traveling by air is more popular than ever. As we become more aware of the environmental impact of flying, many people are wondering what they can do to reduce their carbon footprint when traveling by air. There are some simple actions you can take to reduce your environmental footprint when traveling by air:

Check the airline’s environmental policies before booking a plane ticket. Some airlines strive to be more environmentally friendly than others. If you want to go green, you’ll have to do a little research, but it’s worth it in the long run (eg: United Airlines).

To help you do that, Airline Quality Rating publishes an annual report that shows the environmental impact of airlines around the world. If you’re traveling in the United States, you can find out which airlines are the most environmentally friendly at If you’re planning a trip abroad and want to reduce your environmental footprint as much as possible, you should choose an airline that you know is committed to reducing its environmental impact.

Travel Plans

When I first started traveling, before the internet and social media came along, all I needed was a plane ticket and travel insurance and never had to worry about travel plans.

I remember the first time I traveled to Southeast Asia as a solo traveler, I booked my train at the last minute, exchanged American traveler’s checks at the bank, and had the money for a month to cover all my expenses. The accommodation was always booked on the spot at the last minute. Everything was different.

These days, there’s a lot to do for your travel plans.

Budget From the Beginning

The best way to avoid spending money on your trip is to plan ahead and create a budget for everything you’ll spend money on during the trip.

This includes lodging, food, and travel expenses like plane tickets. If you’re planning a long road trip, make sure your budget is enough for at least two months, or you could run into financial trouble before you reach your destination.

Make a List of Travel Needs

Before you buy anything for your vacation, you should make a list of things you absolutely need and things you’d like to have. If you need it on the trip, buy it, but if not, leave it there, because many people forget about these things when they return home and then have to buy them again.

Organize Your Transportation

One of the best ways to save money when traveling is to choose the right time of year. You may want to visit your favorite city in the winter, but that’s also the time when most people travel, so prices will be higher. If you plan your trip as close as possible to the main holidays, you can find cheap airline tickets and hotels.

Searching for flights through flight comparison sites can help you find cheap flights (eg: Scott’s cheap flights, Skyscanner). These sites search several dozen airlines, so you can get more than one quote from different airlines. Some sites even let you choose a specific airline, which usually offers cheaper fares.

If you’re planning long-term travel, sometimes you can earn airline miles with the same airline, and when you reach a certain number of miles, you can get travel rewards (discounts) on airline tickets.

Make sure that the cost of your airline ticket doesn’t exceed the value of your vacation. If you buy a plane ticket that’s too expensive, it’s likely that you’ll spend less money on sightseeing and other things than if you’d bought a cheaper airline ticket.

You should also check train costs, rail passes (eg: if you’re traveling to Europe, there will be the Eurail pass which is a Global Pass lets you travel in these 33 countries), and public transportation so you can plan better your budget.

If you travel to London or New York, the subway can be expensive, and it’s good to know in advance how much you will spend on public transportation. In some capital cities, public transportation is more likely to be bus or train, for example, Wellington (New Zealand).

Book Your Accommodation

Especially if you’re traveling in the high season, you should book your accommodation in tourist areas in advance.

Do Your Administrative Tasks

Have a copy of your airline tickets, health and travel insurance, etc., and keep them in a safe place so you can easily find them if they’re lost or stolen. Also, make sure your travel credit card insurance is up to date in case you get robbed.

Check with your bank to see if your credit card insurance covers international travel. For example, if you’re traveling with an American Express credit card, you should check what kind of travel insurance it offers. You should also find out about foreign transaction fees so you can better manage your money abroad.

Make sure you don’t share your personal information with anyone (eg: credit or debit card).

Learn About the Culture

When you go abroad, it’s a good idea to understand the country you’re landing in – not only for yourself but also to make your stay enjoyable for the locals. Learning about their culture and speaking at least a few words in their language can make your international trip much more enjoyable and interesting.

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