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74 Summer Writing Prompts for Students to Keep Them Engaged and Creative

Summer vacation is a time for students to relax and enjoy themselves. However, it can also be a time for students to get creative and engage in writing activities. Here are 74 summer writing prompts to help students stay engaged and entertained during the summer months!

  1. What makes you feel like summer is finally here?
  2. What words can you use to describe summer?
  3. What does summer smell like?
  4. What happens at the beginning, middle, and end of summer?
  5. How did your school year end?
  6. Write down what you’re looking forward to this summer.
  7. What goals have you set for yourself this summer? (e.g., make a new friend, travel more often).
  8. Who’ll you spend the summer with?
  9. What’s the best part of summer?
  10. How would you describe a perfect summer day?
  11. Do you like to be outside in the summer or prefer to stay inside? And why?
  12. How do you feel about picnics in the summer? Do you have a favorite food or place to have a picnic?
  13. What’re three summer activities you want to do this summer?
  14. What summer activity is at the top of your agenda for your next summer vacation?
  15. What’s the worst thing that can happen during the summer?
  16. What did you do on your last vacation?
  17. What’s your favorite food to eat in the summer?
  18. Your favorite summer color?
  19. Your favorite summer clothing?
  20. Your favorite summer drink?
  21. Your favorite ice cream?
  22. Your favorite summer song?
  23. Your favorite summer story?
  24. Your favorite writing activity?
  25. Your favorite summer activity (beach, pool, etc.)?
  26. What’s your favorite summer movie and why?
  27. What kind of books do you like to read at the beach and why?
  28. What’s the most important thing about being home in the summer?
  29. What animal would be your spirit animal for the summer? (For example, a dolphin because it’s playful and friendly).
  30. You and your family are on vacation! What’re you doing there? (picture or story)
  31. What was it like the first time you went on vacation with your family?
  32. Write down the last time you went camping with your family or friends and describe what happened that day.
  33. What’s your favorite memory of summer camp?
  34. What crazy and ridiculous things can happen at summer camp?
  35. What’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen in nature?
  36. Write about a song that reminds you of summer vacation.
  37. What’s your favorite summer memory?
  38. Describe the first time you went to the beach or swimming pool as a child and tell us about that experience (don’t forget to mention what happened before and after).
  39. Have you ever been to a waterfall? If so, how did it make you feel?
  40. What’s your least favorite summer memory?
  41. What would you like to do again?
  42. What does July 4th mean to you?
  43. What do you think is the best part of summer?
  44. What do you think is the worst part of summer?
  45. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you this summer?
  46. What do we all have in common when it comes to our summers?
  47. What did you do this summer that you’re proud of?
  48. What’s your favorite thing to do outside this summer?
  49. If summer were a person, what kind of personality would it have?
  50. What did you not get done this summer that you wish you’d have had time to do?
  51. Where have you been this summer that you’ve never been before?
  52. What’s the best way to spend a hot summer day?
  53. What would be your dream vacation spot? And why?
  54. What’s the best way to cool off when it’s hot?
  55. What do you like to eat when it’s hot outside?
  56. What would it be and why if you could only take one thing with you on vacation this summer?
  57. How is daylight saving time different from wintertime (other than temperature)? Should there be more differences between the seasons, or are these differences enough?
  58. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  59. Write down what you’d do if it never rained again
  60. Write about what you’d do if the sun never came up again.
  61. Write an epic poem about everything you’ve planned for your summer vacation (and all the fun things that might happen along the way).
  62. Write an acrostic poem
  63. How do you imagine Christmas in the summertime?
  64. Write a short story or a scene at the beach where someone is trying not to get caught up in their worries while hanging out with friends or family-however hard that might be!
  65. Write about a time when you tried something new this summer, and changed your life.
  66. Describe what made this summer different from all other summers (in your opinion).
  67. If you could choose how long your summer vacation would be, what time would you choose and why?
  68. How will the upcoming school year be different than the last?
  69. Do you’ve homework to do before you go back to school?
  70. If you could choose one teacher for the upcoming school year, who’d it be?
  71. What’re you looking forward to when you go back to school?
  72. What’re you most afraid of when you go back to school?
  73. Write down 10 goals for the upcoming school year.
  74. Write down how you plan to accomplish these goals.

Summer Is a Good Time to Practice Writing

Here are some ideas for making the most of your summer writing prompts:

First, you can use them to encourage creativity in your students. Summer is when kids aren’t in school and not learning as much as they normally do.

You can help them take advantage of this downtime by giving them summer writing prompts that they mightn’t find in their textbooks – for example, writing about their favorite place in the world or describing a dream they had last night. This writing prompt allows them to create something new rather than just regurgitating information from earlier in the year.

Second, you can use summer writing opportunities to practice basic skills like spelling and grammar. Writing isn’t just about writing well, it’s about knowing how to spell and use words correctly, so other people understand what you’re trying to say!

Summer is a great time to practice these skills because students have no pressure at home (and can afford to make mistakes). A great way to do this is to give students homework assignments where they’ve to write emails or letters home about what’s been going on in their lives lately – summer vacation gives them plenty of time to think about it.

Improve Your Creative Writing Skills During Summer Vacation!

If you’re a student or a parent of a student, you know all too well how important writing help is during the summer.

Summer is often when students have a lot more free time, but it’s also when teachers aren’t around to provide helpful feedback and guidance. This can make it much harder for students to get the support they need to do well in writing, a skill that will be useful throughout their lives.

There are many ways you can use summer writing help:

  • You can talk to your teacher about getting extra practice during the summer months. Many teachers offer “distance learning” programs where they create materials that students can use on their own time at home (sometimes even before school starts again). This way, they can continue to work on the subject matter and get additional practice on certain skills that may have been difficult for them during the year.
  • You can request one-on-one tutoring with someone who’s experienced working with students like you! A tutor can help you understand what’s going wrong and give tips on improving your writing skills, so that next year doesn’t look like this year!

A Great Time to Journal

These creative writing prompts are also a great way for students to start journal writing.

When you first start writing a journal, it can be quite intimidating. There are so many different options; if you don’t know where to start, it can feel like it’s just not working for you.

But journal writing doesn’t have to be complicated! Summer may be the best time to try it – especially if you want your kids to get into the habit of putting their thoughts and feelings down on paper. Here are some tips on how to make journal writing more fun:

Start With Small Topics

Don’t take on the big topics right away, but write about something simple, like your favorite color or an animal that lives in your yard. This way, students can explore their feelings about these topics without feeling overwhelmed by the task.

Use Prompts That Evoke Emotions Rather Than Memories

For example, instead of asking them what they did last summer (which would likely lead them down a path full of memories of previous summers), ask them what they’d like to do this summer! This allows them to think

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