In the known history of mankind, it is said that art is inspired by an event that opens the view to a completely new reality. In daily life, being observant and paying attention to details has its own advantages. An idea that was unimaginable to you before can be discovered by a brief look at the everyday moments of life.
Origin of Inspiration
As the saying goes, the answers are right in front of our eyes.
Art inspiration is everywhere, within us and before us. We may not always be aware that we are inspired by something, as an idea affects perception and memory and therefore usually goes unnoticed.
However, we can take a closer look at what inspires us by asking ourselves important questions, such as:
- How does a new good idea come about?
- Where does it come from?
If you talk to artists, they will tell you that art inspiration comes from many places.
Sometimes it comes from a physical place – a beach, a mountain, a field of wildflowers, or a city. An emotional place – love, loss, anger, beauty. Or it may come from the imagination.
Here are 10 examples of where a creative person may find inspiration:
When artists are looking for ideas, they are often inspired by their surroundings.
This can be nature, a person or group of people, a scene that is happening in front of them, or a memory from the past that has stuck in their mind. They may also be inspired by emotions and feelings they experience during their day.
A creative person naturally feels stimulated by the environment around her, and her emotions may be triggered by a sight or sound, causing them to feel a certain emotion. This may be a fleeting feeling of happiness, sadness, or anger.
Artists either try to capture that emotion on paper, such as with a drawing, painting, or writing. Or they use it as creative inspiration for their artwork and consider how to express their ideas through art.
Some artists are inspired by the thoughts and feelings they experience. For example, if they feel happy, content, or calm, it may be reflected in their work. However, if they are feeling fear or sadness, it will likely be reflected in their artwork as well.
An artist observes something of interest – a person, place, or thing.
This observation can be made at the time of day when the artist wants to paint or write.
However, if this is not possible (for example, if you want to paint a picture of your favorite restaurant, but it is only open at certain times), an artist can take photos or sketches at that time of day and then paint the picture later in his studio.
Theme and Subject Matter
Some artists choose a subject matter before they do anything else, which gives them a starting point and enough creative inspiration to get started. They look for something that interests them, something they feel strongly about, something they think needs comment, or something that simply fascinates them.
Sometimes the subject matter comes first and then the medium is chosen, depending on how the creative individual can best express himself.
Artists do not always know what their subject will be until it emerges during the working process. It may be that the artist works completely abstractly and does not figure out the meaning until the work is complete. Or he may start with a vague new idea of what he wants to do, but his ideas change as he works. Whether his work of art was “successful” or not, he only finds out when he is finished.
Artists are inspired by their experiences, their surroundings, and the people around them. Therefore, music is often more than just notes on a page; it is a reflection of personal experiences. Composers can also be inspired by other artists, such as painters and sculptors.
One of the most important influences on artists comes from their own talents and abilities.
Artists also draw inspiration from their immediate environment, whether drawing or painting in a park or composing at home. Talent cannot be taught, but it can be nurtured. That’s why artists often seek out teachers, mentors, or an online course to help them develop their skills and art career.
Other Art Forms
Some artists are inspired by learning new art forms or techniques. For example, a painter may learn about clay and decide to try his hand at sculpture.
A visual artist may choose to learn about art history and get artistic inspiration from another creative genius in the field of visual art such as Pablo Picasso or Frida Kahlo. A rock musician might deepen his knowledge of classical music or jazz techniques to find new melodies and harmonies for his songs. The musician may also be inspired to use other instruments in his music after hearing them in another genre of music. Or, as in the visual arts, inspiration may come from another famous artist or a favorite artist whose original art provides artistic inspiration.
An author can be influenced by the writing style of another. If you read a book you love, it might make you want to write something similar.
Ask artists in other fields what inspires them – for example, what type of creative work they’re interested in, who their favorite artist is, how they choose subjects for their paintings, how do they overcome artist’s block, etc.
Making mistakes can be a good thing, believe me, or not, it can be a creativity booster! They show that you are taking risks and trying new things.
When you make a mistake, it’s important not to let it get you down too much. Instead, look at them as an opportunity to learn and grow.
As annoying as mistakes can feel, in the creative process they can be a creative genius revelation. Sometimes when you make mistakes, you end up with something completely different that may even be better than what you originally planned.
I think art is about turning ideas into something tangible, and in order for hard work to become reality, the artist has to take further action in some form. The artist must take a series of steps to bring his work from concept to completion, and these steps are called the artistic process.
Art Competitions
Art competitions are a great way for artists to showcase their work, receive feedback, and win prizes. They can also be a source of inspiration.
If you are a professional artist looking for your next project or having a creative block, use these competitions as a springboard to create something new and generate creative juice.
Art contests are known, like the Pablo Picasso Art contest for example. They can also be found through Google search or social media, and are about painting, digital art, graphic design, music, etc., or just creative ideas.
Sometimes you have to apply and sometimes just uploading your original art online is enough. Recognition for your hard work is always great, and sometimes there’s money, coaching for your art career to help you become a famous artist, free online course, or recognition. These initiatives can help you increase your creativity, for example:
- Sets an idea or a mood. It’s not always easy to come up with a new idea for new artwork, but art contests are a great way to get your creativity going. Pick a theme that speaks to you and see where it might lead. Some themes are so broad that they inspire hundreds of different approaches, while others offer less scope and help you narrow your focus.
- increases your motivation. If you are struggling to get motivated for a new project, seeing what other artists are doing is often enough t. o get your creative juice in action. Seeing a creative individual try something cool or unique in their creative work can get you inspired for your creative process.
- Makes you try something new. Many artists get into a rut of producing the same work over and over again. If this applies to you, you should use art contests to try something completely different than what you normally do.
Most people would agree that humans are the most inspiring creatures on earth.
There are many ways to use people as a source of inspiration:
- Observe them. Observe how they behave, how they interact with each other, what hobbies they have, what their dreams are, and so on. This way you can get a lot of ideas for characters to draw or write about and situations to paint. Frida Kahlo is a good example of a great artist whose art was inspired by people.
- Imaginary characters. Think about your imaginary friends when you were little. They were probably pretty awesome, right? I am not suggesting that you create fictional characters because you are afraid of using real people as models, but sometimes it’s easier to make up a story when you do not have a person in front of you to pose while you draw it. It’s also easier to make these imaginary people look like real people who have similar characteristics to those you know in real life, so they look more realistic too.
Artists are always inspired by events. Tragedies, wars, life experiences – all these things can be turned into a song or a piece of art.
In the last two centuries, the world has changed rapidly. Technology advanced at a pace we would call slow, but it was faster than anything before. Advances in medicine, transportation, and communications made life more fast-paced and advanced than ever before. The world’s population was growing and people were moving to cities to live like never before.
The change that was taking place was rapid and exciting, but it was not always easy or safe. Some people worried about what would happen next or how they would make ends meet. Writers and artists used their talents to express the fears and hopes of their time by creating works that reflected what was happening around them.
The best artists and writers draw on their life experiences. This is especially true of the best photojournalists, who often work in conflict zones or other dangerous conditions to report on real events and problems. Art and literature have long been used to comment on the human condition, and the pain of life has long provided fodder for artistic expression.
Some of the most famous works of art have been inspired by tragedy:
The Holocaust, for example, has produced a number of powerful artistic works, including Elie Wiesel’s Nobel Prize-winning “Night” and Anne Frank’s famous diary. There are countless other examples.
The Vietnam War was one of the most divisive conflicts in American history, but it also produced some enduring images – like photographer Nick Ut’s “Napalm Girl” photo – that helped change public opinion about the war. There are many, many other examples.
Otherworld events have also produced art. Rembrandt, for example, painted a series of scenes with soldiers during the Thirty Years’ War.
Artists have always used their imagination to create new things, often leading to interesting discoveries. The most creative people use their imagination to make connections and see things that others do not.
When trying to come up with new ideas or solve a problem, it’s helpful to imagine those ideas in your head.
So what exactly is imagination?
Imagination is the ability to picture mental images, sounds, or sensations of things that you cannot perceive with your senses. It is also the ability to think of something that is not real or present, as a hypothetical idea or possibility.
It can help artists create new works of art based on real experiences and observations. If you have ever wondered where artists get their creative juice from, you might be surprised at the many ways they use their imagination.
Artists have been known for centuries for their artistic ability to create something completely new out of nothing. From Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa to Michelangelo’s ceiling painting in the Sistine Chapel, these masters of art were able to bring their own unique visions to life on canvas simply by using their imagination and talent.