We all know what inspiration is. It’s that feeling when you have an idea or someone says something to you that makes you think about something differently. It’s that moment of clarity when everything just falls into place. But sometimes, it’s hard staying motivated in everyday life.
We Can’t Always Be Inspired
Inspiration doesn’t always come when we want it, and we can’t always choose when it hits us; sometimes, we’ve to keep going until a good idea comes to mind, and sometimes it’s best to take a break from hard work so we can give our creativity space.
Fatigue and Lack of Motivation Rob Us of Inspiration
Fatigue can be a symptom of a bigger problem. For example, it’s only natural to feel tired if you’re constantly pulling all-nighters. But if your schedule is so busy that you don’t have time to sleep, you should ask yourself why that’s and how you can solve the problem.
Sometimes fatigue leads to a lack of motivation because we just don’t feel like doing anything anymore. We’re exhausted from work or school, and everything else seems unimportant, especially when the alternative is more work!
Many things can help us boost our motivation over time; adequate rest is the most important of these (we’ll go into some others later). But being aware of what motivates us can also help us improve in other ways: If it’s not too late, maybe we can change something now or soon before it gets too hard later when life becomes even more hectic than ever!
Sometimes Negativity Affects Creativity
Finding yourself in the middle of a negative thought spiral can be overwhelming and even lead to depression.
That’s because when you have a negative thought, it usually leads to another, which leads to another until you hit such a low point that even your best friends would think twice about visiting you.
It’s pretty easy for these thoughts to become self-fulfilling prophecies: When we believe certain things about ourselves or the world around us, we’re more likely to act or behave in ways that conform to those beliefs.
We Tend to Align Ourselves With Our Expectations Rather Than With Reality
When our experiences don’t match our expectations of life, disappointment is bound to happen… which is subsequently self-reinforced when things again don’t go as planned (or maybe not even close).
We Can’t Feel Inspired When We’re Going Through a Tough Time
Whether you have an overwhelming amount of work or are in the middle of a significant life event, we sometimes need to give ourselves a break.
We can’t feel inspired when we’re going through a tough time. If you’re suffering from depression, anxiety, and grief, likely, you won’t feel inspired until your mental health starts to look up. People who struggle with these issues tend to shut down emotionally and do nothing because nothing seems worthwhile.
If you feel depressed or anxious, you should think about consulting a therapist who can help you avoid falling into a more serious mental illness over time and help you with your creative blocks.
Some People Are Equally Afraid of Failure and Success
When we’re afraid of failure, our creativity suffers; if nothing is at stake for us, why try? But when something is at stake, and we fail – which inevitably happens from time to time – all hell breaks loose: “I’m not good enough,” “What if everyone hates me?” etc., and we want nothing more than for everything to stay the way it’s…
Too Many Distractions
Sometimes you may feel uninspired because there are too many distractions in your life.
If you have a job that takes up a lot of your time and energy, that can be one of the reasons why you don’t feel inspired. You are busy with work and get easily distracted by social media, emails, or other activities at home.
On top of that, if there are people in your life who aren’t exactly supportive of your goal (or even discourage it), that could be another reason why inspiration and motivation don’t come as easily as they usually do.
Boredom Can Cause Us to Lose Motivation
Boredom can lead to a lack of motivation, which can cause us to lose interest in things we once loved. When you’re bored, you quickly fall into negative habits that aren’t good for your mental health.
Boredom can sometimes be associated with depression. When you’re depressed or experiencing something as traumatic as a breakup or losing your job, your motivation quickly drops.
When depressed, some people have a hard time even getting out of bed in the morning – let alone taking on extra tasks at work or home! If you feel like this is how you’re feeling right now, and you don’t know how to fight back against these kinds of negative thought patterns (or lack thereof), take some time off from everything else so your mind can rest without being distracted by other tasks that seem important but aren’t helping to lift your spirits.”
Inspiration Comes in Many Forms; You Just Need to Know Where to Look
In truth, inspiration and motivation can come from many places. You can be inspired by a person, a place, or an object. You can find inspiration in nature or a book you’re reading.
If you’re having trouble finding inspiration for your next project, check out the internet to see what things inspire people these days. You might find that something as simple as the color blue is used repeatedly as an inspiration image because it’s a calming effect on people, making it perfect for promoting peace or relaxation.
Another way to find inspiration is to think about successful things you’ve done in the past and explore how others may have approached them differently than you (or vice versa).
Change Your Environment
If you don’t feel inspired, it may be because you’ve been doing the same thing for so long that your brain is bored.
Try something new! Try writing at a different time of day or in a different place, or take up a new hobby. Maybe pick up an instrument and learn to play it (or anything else), or just go out into nature and sit with your thoughts.
You don’t have to completely change your life by moving across the country or quitting your job; small changes can make a big difference in how much inspiration you get from doing something creative. The most important thing here’s to try something new to shake up a routine that’s become boring and make room for inspiration.
Physical activity is a great way to get inspired and stay healthy! Exercise boosts your energy and mood, helps you think more clearly, sleep better, feel better, and relieve stress.
If you don’t feel like it on a given day, exercise instead of wallowing in self-pity – you’ll end up feeling better than you did before the workout!
Put Your Ideas Into Action
If you’re not inspired, there are only two options:
- You’re not giving yourself the opportunity to be inspired (by taking action and acting, rather than waiting for inspiration to come to you).
- You allow fear to keep you from acting on your ideas when inspiration does come.
Instead of waiting for inspiration and motivation – or even hoping it’ll come eventually – act on your ideas now. Don’t let fear keep you from doing what needs to be done. Letting something lapse out of fear is terrible; don’t let it!
Find an Inspiring Person
Sometimes a new idea comes from watching a talk by successful people on YouTube or talking to someone you look up to who gives you positive feedback to reignite your creative energy.
The point is that an inspiring person looks at things differently and can help you break down a big task into smaller tasks and increase your motivation level.
Limit Your Ability to Get Distracted
Often, the little things distract us and keep us from our creative goals.
Turn off notifications. If you have an email, text message, or other notification that may pop up without your knowledge, turn it off.
Make sure you have a clear focus. If you need to do more than one thing at a time, it can be challenging to focus and stay on task – so do one thing at a time! If you’re writing, try not to do anything else while working on your assignment (turning off your phone can help).
Set a timer for 15 or 30 minutes and take short breaks between work sessions (not when it’s time for bed).
Learn Something New
It’s a great way to get out of your usual daily life routine and try something new. Learning something new can be very motivating because you may find that you’re better at a certain subject than you thought, or it allows you to do what you enjoy, which is always good.
It can also be exciting because it gives us a chance to learn things we didn’t know before! Learning is always rewarding because we feel smart and successful when we’ve accomplished the task, whether cooking or learning to play an instrument.
Learning something new may be challenging at first, but once we get into the swing of things and get used to the lessons, they become less and less daunting until they don’t feel like a challenge at all!
Meditate and Be Grateful
Meditation is good for your mental health. When you feel down, meditating can help you focus and become calmer.
You may even notice that a few minutes of meditation helps you sleep better at night. But meditating isn’t just about being relaxed: it can also help you become more grateful!
When people feel gratitude, they usually feel happier and more positive towards themselves, their fellow human beings, and life in general. When we meditate on things we’re grateful for – family members or our favorite pizza topping – we’re reminded of all the great things in our lives instead of focusing on what’s missing or going wrong.
Looking back on my own experience with meditation (and feeling grateful), I realized an important thing: sometimes an inspiring goal isn’t enough motivation because we worry about whether we’ll achieve it. The truth is, sometimes creative inspiration and motivation come after we have done something; if we want our projects to succeed, it’s important to act first!
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
One of the most important things you can do for your creativity is to get enough sleep. Many people don’t realize that it’s not just how much time you spend working on your projects that matters, but also what happens when you take breaks.
When awake and active for too long, our brains produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that inhibit creativity. If we want to be more creative, we should try to get a good night’s sleep every night.
Be Social and Open to New Friendships
It can be hard to feel inspired when you’re alone, so socialize! One of the best ways to get inspired is to surround yourself with like-minded people. If you’re looking for creative inspiration and want to meet new people who’re also looking to be inspired, join a Meetup group or take an art class.
As I mentioned, making friends who do things that interest you is essential and meeting up with them daily. But don’t forget the importance of reaching out beyond your “like-minded” friends network. Sometimes it pays to go out and meet people who aren’t necessarily doing what you want – even if those rewards aren’t immediately apparent or seem contradictory at first (for example, learning that not everyone shares their life experiences on social media).
Help Someone Else
If you want to be inspired, help other people. It’s a simple idea that gets you thinking about how you can improve your world and make the person you’re helping feel better. So what’re some ways you can help others? Here are a few ideas:
- Donate to those in need – it’s easy! All you’ve to do is pick an organization that supports a cause you want to help and donate what you can – even if it’s a small amount, you’re sure to be a big help!
- Volunteer at your local shelter – this may mean walking the dogs once a week or just cleaning the cages (or whatever else needs to be done). You’ll feel better about yourself if you help these homeless animals find homes and give them an afternoon of fun playing with their canine friends!
- Help a relative – Even if you’re not the charity type, there’s bound to be a friend or relative who needs help, such as moving out, working, or just being a good listener.
Ultimately, inspiration will come to you when you take action, whether changing your habits, doing something new, or taking a break.