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Why Do We Communicate

Communication is essential in life. We use it to build relationships, share information, and resolve conflicts. But why do we communicate? What are the benefits of communication? And how can we improve our communication skills? In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why communication is so important and look at some techniques for developing good communication skills.

Communication Is a Human Need

We all know that communication is one of the most important parts of our lives, but have you ever wondered why? 

Communication is more than just a way to express our thoughts and feelings. It’s a basic human need that helps us connect with others. Just as we need food, water, shelter, and other basic resources to survive, we need the communication process to succeed in life.

Our brains are wired for communication. There are even special cells in our brains called mirror neurons that help us communicate with each other. These cells are activated when we see someone else doing something. We understand what they do or feel. This connection is one of the reasons why it’s so important for people to communicate with each other.

We’re social beings who’re not naturally designed to live in isolation. Communication allows us to interact and cooperate with others.

This is especially true for young children, who need interaction to learn, grow, and develop into happy adults.

It’s the Foundation for Building Better Relationships and Trust

Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Without trust, it becomes difficult to communicate, which can cause the relationship to suffer and eventually fail. 

Trust opens the lines of communication between people and makes them more meaningful and genuine. People who trust each other feel safe talking to each other and sharing important information. Building trust helps people gain healthy relationships.

Effective communication is a fundamental skill for healthy relationships, but it’s not always easy. Communication skills are important in all relationships, from romantic to familial to friendly and beyond.

We use verbal and nonverbal communication to share information with others. The way you communicate can have a big impact on your relationships – both positive and negative.

You can build trust by communicating openly and honestly with those around you, even when it’s uncomfortable or difficult. Effective communication can help you resolve conflicts and better understand other people’s perspectives and needs. You can also express your thoughts and feelings more clearly, which strengthens friendships, romantic relationships, and professional relationships alike.

If you want to build a strong relationship with someone, you need to communicate with that person. You should communicate with the person regularly to keep the relationship strong. Communication helps you learn more about the other person and move your relationship forward successfully. 

Communication is important to share feelings, emotions, and thoughts about everything with the other person. You need to communicate if you want to get to know someone better.

We Communicate to Get Our Needs Met

Often the reason we communicate is to get something we want. Maybe we have a need that must be satisfied, like food or water. Maybe we want a pizza or a candy bar. To get what we want, we need to communicate and let others know we’re hungry.

In other cases, people communicate because they have a desire for something. They may see something they want and decide to ask for it or try to buy it with money.

We communicate to get our needs met. We’re social creatures and we need to communicate with others. In doing so, we need to understand that communication has many different aspects. The following are the most important:

  • To maintain relationships
  • To get what we want
  • To share personal information
  • Share ideas
  • To receive information
  • To give information
  • To set goals and achieve them
  • To solve problems and conflicts in life
  • To express our feelings/emotions (positive or negative)

Very Young Children Rely on Communication

Communication is as natural as breathing for very young children. From birth, they rely on signals like crying to let them know their needs aren’t being met.

They also use many gestures, such as pointing and reaching for objects, to show the world what they need or want. 

It’s important for adults to pay attention to these signals so they can meet their infant or toddler’s needs.

Teaching Others

A very important reason why we communicate is to pass on information. This can be anything from “There are scattered rain showers today” to “I love you.”

We also communicate to teach others. Parents talk to their children all day, teaching them about the world around them and how life works. We use our communication skills when trying to impart knowledge and facts to another person who doesn’t know what we know.

We communicate to help other people learn things they mightn’t otherwise learn or understand. Many people share what they’ve learned in public lectures, books, courses, and on other platforms such as social media to help others learn something new or understand a new perspective, point of view, or idea.

If you want to share data or pass on knowledge, you should communicate with someone. If you find something in need of explanation, communication is the way to go.

If you want to teach someone a new skill or tell them something they don’t already know, communication is the best way to do it. It’s also the way to help someone become an effective communicator themselves.

If you want to share facts, pass on information or spread news – communicate.

Sharing Ideas and Thoughts

We may also use communication to form our identity and perceive the world as we want others to see it.

When you share your own thoughts, feelings, or experiences, you help others understand what they may not know or have experienced themselves. When you share your own experiences, you can also help someone who needs advice or help in their own situation!

To Share Feelings and Emotions

Emotional expression is key to our mental health. It’s important that we express our feelings in order to relieve stress and maintain healthy relationships with others. In fact, people are so good at reading the emotions of others that they can even be contagious!

Emotions don’t have to be negative! They can be excitement, gratitude, or even love! You may see people express joy by smiling or hugging someone. However it’s expressed, you’ll almost always want others around you to feel the same as you do when positive emotions take over your body!

Emotions are often expressed not only through words but also through body language. Nonverbal communication includes facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. 

For example, if someone says, “I’m fine,” but has a cold expression on their face and seems distant from everyone else in the room, you know there’s more to them than what they’re saying and you need to pay attention. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues, so we can all understand what someone else is going through or needs.

To Ask Questions

Asking questions is key to getting the answers you need, whether it’s for information or just to show your interest in what someone is saying. Asking questions also shows that you’re listening and interested in what’s being said.

If you want to know something, ask a question to find out! You can also ask questions when asking others for advice or help. Remember that no one can read your mind! When you communicate by asking questions, you can also uncover things that would otherwise go unsaid.

It Can Help You Find Humor in the Face of Adversity

Laughter is a good way to overcome difficult situations and keep going.

You can even use humor to make the best of a stressful situation.

For example, when my flight was delayed an hour, I spent the time joking with a fellow passenger about the worst parts of flying. We ended up laughing about our shared frustration and passing the time much faster than we’d have otherwise.

It Helps You Grow as a Person

Communication is a two-way street. That’s when you communicate, you receive as much information as you give. You learn about other people and cultures, your surroundings, and other perspectives. 

Through communication, we evolve as individuals in society. Through it we become informed and make well thought out decisions. It helps us develop our own ideas and express ourselves authentically. It creates the foundation for understanding between people- and over time, trust, respect, and empathy develop.

If you take the time to listen to and understand others, you can learn from their mistakes and successes. You can even realize that there are many ways to see the world.

This means that communication is always something positive – even if what’s communicated is difficult or uncomfortable to hear at first.

Through Communication We Can Achieve Our Personal, Social and Professional Goals

To achieve our personal goals, have good relationships with family and friends, learn new skills, get a job, or advance professionally, we need effective communication skills.

If you want to learn something new – a skill or a subject – you’ll communicate with someone who already has that knowledge. Whether you’re making plans for the future or reviewing yesterday’s events, you’re in constant communication with others – if we think about it that way: it’s amazing how much we talk, read, and write every day!

Business communication skills are at the core of the success of almost any business. Excellent communication skills matter in these areas:

  • Communication with employees
  • Written communication (newsletters, sales letters, marketing information, proposals, partnerships)
  • Online communication (a critical part of modern branding)
  • Social network communication (to foster an audience)
  • Public speaking at conferences, seminars, etc.

Your Body Language Can Determine Who You Are

You may think that language is king when it comes to communication, but the way we communicate with our bodies is often just as important. Some studies even suggest that your body gestures can reveal what you’re thinking before you even open your mouth.

Consider this: a study (by Albert Mehrabian in 1967) claimed that in face-to-face communication, only 7% of the message is conveyed through verbal communication (words). The other 93% is conveyed through things like facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. 

Although in the real world there are many factors that bear on the exact proportion, it is certainly true that communication is as much about what’s not said as what’s said – which makes active listening all the more important for effective communication.

Nonverbal communication is often more important than what you say, the words you use. This nonverbal communication is called body language. Body language includes facial expression, gestures, and eye contact. Even when you aren’t speaking, your body language can show how you’re feeling and reveal your intentions.

Body language is very powerful. Your body movements can reveal a lot about your feelings and attitude, no matter the moment. It’s important to know that each person’s body language is unique, but there are some common traits as well.

We all use nonverbal signals every day in many different ways. For example, when you greet someone in the hallway at work, you might smile and nod, or make small talk while making eye contact. When greeting a friend or family member, it’s usually a little more cordial – perhaps with a hug or a kiss on the cheek.

The tone of your voice and the words you choose are important in signaling what you want to communicate. But people also send signals through their posture, facial expressions, and gestures – and these nonverbal cues affect how speakers and listeners interact.

Words Can Be Misinterpreted

Have you ever read an email from your boss and then realized after talking to her that you misinterpreted her words? Did she mean she wanted a report “as soon as possible” by the end of today, or did she mean by the end of tomorrow? You used punctuation, grammar, and context to interpret her message.

Misinterpretation of sounds: Have you ever heard someone say something, and then after you clarify it with them, you realize they didn’t say what you thought they said?

Hearing is subjective because when we hear sounds, our brain processes what we think those sounds say; but it’s also very objective, because when I hear my husband say something, he may have actually said something completely different. 

So communication through hearing isn’t only subjective, but also objective.

In the same way, body language can also be misinterpreted. In fact, almost all communication can be misinterpreted because it’s based on our perception of the world around us. While most people perceive the world around them in a similar way (based on their cultural norms), others don’t. This is why some people communicate clearly and others have poor communication!

Humans Communicate in Many Different Ways

The more you think about it, the more you realize that people communicate in many different ways. We communicate with our friends, families, partners, and colleagues. We also communicate with much more than words.

Body language is an important aspect of communication and can often convey more meaning than the words we say to each other. The tone of voice and facial expressions are other components that help us send and receive messages, and help us become effective communicators. 

Finally, the use of hand gestures as part of communication is also very common. When you take all these elements together, you see how complex communication between people really is!

With better communication, we make the world a better place.