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Why Is Life So Hard

Why do we go through the hard times? Why do we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again? Why can’t we just succeed easily in life without having to work for hardships? Do you ever feel down and feel like it’s harder than it has to be? Or do you work hard only to feel like it never pays off? Well, for most of us that feeling is there simply because we still don’t understand how this all works.

We Have All Had Those Times in Our Lives When It Felt Like Life Was Too Hard

We’ve all experienced times in our lives when we felt that life was too hard. We’ve all experienced unhappiness.

It could be the loss of a loved one, financial problems, or just a bad day. Why is life so hard?

Everyone goes through difficult times in their lives. We usually ask ourselves this question when we’re faced with a hard time and feel overwhelmed. But it’s important to understand that many other people have faced similar problems in the past and still become more successful and accomplished.

So let’s try to understand why life can be difficult sometimes, what we can do to overcome these difficulties, and how we can make our lives easier and better to become a successful person in terms of life skills.

Sometimes You Don’t Have Control of Your Own Life

Much of life is beyond your control, whether you like it or not. You can’t control other people unless you want to manipulate them. You can’t control nature – it’ll do what it does, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

You also can’t always control how you feel or what thoughts go through your mind. Therefore, trying to control everything in your life is a futile endeavor.

And yet, we still try to play this game! This means that too often we spend our time trying to do the impossible – and that makes our lives harder than they need to be!

Negative Emotions Are Normal if Part of a Balance

It’s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of life. As hard as you may try, it can be difficult to find peace when you’re surrounded by so much negativity. However, it’s permissible to experience negative feelings from time to time.

You just can’t let them dominate your life.

Negative emotions are a normal part of the human experience and part of the balance in your life. If you only acknowledge positive emotions, you’ll not be able to empathize with others who experience negative emotions or understand the true depth of positive emotions.

Negative experiences can lead to more profound positive experiences that you’d not have otherwise had if you hadn’t experienced both sides at some point in your life.

As hard as life may seem right now, don’t forget how much good there’s in your life and how those positive experiences were created by negative experiences in the past!

There Is No Such Thing as a Perfect Life or an Easy Life – Life Is Life

Life is life and life isn’t perfect. There’s no perfect life, but there are people out there who try to make it look like they’ve one. Maybe you envy them, but I’ll tell you that they probably don’t have a “perfect life” either.

Your life may not be what you want it to be, but that doesn’t mean all is lost. On the contrary, your life is waiting for you to take charge of it and make something of it.

Maybe that means planning your future or working hard towards a goal you want to achieve, or maybe it just means trying to find more happiness in your everyday life by looking at things more positively. It doesn’t matter what you do – as long as you’re working to make yourself feel better instead of letting a tough time get you down!

Related: Are Positivity and Optimism the Same Thing

Most importantly, remember that you aren’t alone in this! There are also people who care about how their own lives are going – so go to them! Whether it’s friends or family members nearby, or online communities that specialize in helping each other.

Real Life Can Be Difficult, but There Are Ways to Make It Easier on Yourself When You’re Struggling With It

In life, you’ll face many challenges. While it’s true that you can’t always control what happens to you, you can control how you react to the events in your life.

It’s important that you take care of yourself even when everything seems hopeless.

If you learn to take charge of your life instead of letting things come to you, it’ll be easier for you to overcome all the difficulties that lie ahead.

This isn’t an easy task. Building your self-confidence and learning to be responsible for your own well-being is a skill that takes time and effort. But once you master this skill, you’ll be able to meet any difficult situation with greater ease and confidence than ever before.

Life Is Hard, but You Can Make It Easier by Doing These Things

Here are some things that can help you:

  • Take care of your mental health – If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that my mental health is important and I need to take care of it.
  • This includes getting enough sleep and drinking water, doing something every day that makes me happy (like painting, TV, or playing video games), avoiding social media as much as possible, talking to friends or family about what’s bothering me (or even professionals if I need to!), etc.
  • If life is hard for you right now, try to change something to make it easier – maybe life is hard due to school/work stress, financial problems, etc.
  • Try to find the cause of your stress/anxiety and change something in those areas!

Related: How Social Media Impact Our Life

You Need to Express Yourself

You need to express yourself. You can’t keep everything to yourself or you’ll explode. Make art about your feelings or just create a playlist for yourself that expresses what you’re going through. Or dance for all you’re worth.

Just remember not to bottle up those feelings, or they’ll build up and come out in negative ways – like when you snap at people on the street.

Express in a Safe Place

When you feel the urge to vent your feelings about your hard life and express yourself, don’t go screaming into the street! Find a safe place where you can do what makes you feel better without worrying about the consequences.

Find a place where no one will judge you.

Express in Front of the Mirror

Look yourself in the eye and be honest with yourself about how you really feel in your head. To move forward in life, you first need to understand how it’s now; looking at yourself in the mirror every morning can help you do that.

Start by being nice to yourself; above all, be nicer than others would be. Don’t blame yourself for sometimes having negative thoughts; we all have them from time to time!

Try to Find Joy in the Little Things

Of course, sometimes things are really bad. You’re going through a difficult time and you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to live a happy life again. And that’s okay. It’s normal to feel sad about big problems in your life, like losing your job or failing an important class.

But there can also be little things that make a bad thing feel better, even if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment. The little things can be simple pleasures:

  • Cotton socks after being on your feet all day,
  • or that first sip of a cold drink on a hot day,
  • or watching your favorite animal in its natural habitat.

These little things in life are often overlooked, but they’re what make life worth living!

The next time you’re feeling down, and beset by adversity, try not to get caught up in the big things for a day and instead pay attention to all the little things floating around you, like flowers floating on water.

Allow positive feelings to come in.

Avoid Social Media as Much as Possible

Social media can be a black hole of engagement and quickly become a cesspool of negativity – the troll-filled comment sections, the shameless self-promotion, the false sense of superiority you can feel.

Add to that the fact that social media is addictive. The quick dopamine rush we get every time we reply is an instant reward that keeps us coming back.

The problem is that this distraction makes it harder for us to focus on our own lives. You’ve to consciously avoid getting sucked into the world of social media if you want to stay sane.

Focus on Being Grateful

One of the most important things I’ve learned in life is to focus my energy on being grateful. The more I focus on being grateful, the better my life gets.

So if you want your life to be great, focus on being grateful. It’s as simple as that.

Gratitude can be difficult to cultivate on your own. Here are a few tips that will help you improve your gratitude:

  • Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for and read it from time to time.
  • Focus on (and write down) all the things that make you happy, make you laugh, inspire you, or help you live each day with joy and love in your heart.
  • Write letters of gratitude to people who’ve touched your life in some way (you don’t have to mail them).
  • Surround yourself with like-minded people who share similar values of integrity, honesty, compassion, and gratitude (or at least start meeting with such people more often).
  • Keep a gratitude journal and record everything positive that happens to you every day (no matter how big or small).

Start Doing What Makes You Happy

I think we all know people like this who are bored in life or just don’t feel fulfilled. They spend their whole life doing something that doesn’t really interest them because they’ve bills to pay and a family to feed and so on…

You can only beat the system if you stop playing by the rules. Stop worrying about what others think of you and start doing what makes you happy!

You need to do what you’re passionate about, both in your personal life and in your career. If that means you’ve to give up some things, do it!

When things get tough (and they will), remember why you started down this path in the first place. Think about your dreams for the future and how much better your life will be if you achieve those goals!

Don’t let negative thoughts get the best of you, but focus on all the positives that make this journey worthwhile! Set your compass on having a good life!

Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep and Water

If you’re like most people, you’re probably not getting enough sleep and water. This can greatly affect your mood and your ability to think clearly throughout the day.

Studies show that not getting enough sleep can lead to irritability, fatigue, and even depression in some cases. You may not be able to control certain aspects of your life, but making sure you get enough sleep and drink enough water is something you can control.

Talk to People – Family, Friends, or Even Professionals if Needed

You aren’t alone. Social support is one of the most important things you can have during hard times, and a good way to build that support system is to talk to others about your problems. When you start talking to others, you may be surprised at how many people in your life are going through something similar or understand what you’re going through.

And even if they don’t, having someone listen to you and let you know they’re there for you can help.

If talking to friends and family isn’t enough, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can help you get everything off your chest and find solutions in a safe space. Therapists can also help identify mental illnesses, such as depression or anxiety disorders, that are contributing to your problems – and contrary to popular belief, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeking therapy with them!

When You Feel Life Is Hard You Need to Pay Attention to Your Mental Health

You’re not alone. That’s the most important thing you need to know. If you feel like life is hard, it’s because something in your life is off track. So pay attention to those feelings and figure out what’s wrong.

Seek professional advice if needed, sleep, exercise, and most importantly, take care of your body. Eat right, take vitamins when needed, and do everything you can to keep yourself healthy inside and out.

Next: get out in nature, breathe fresh air, and plan a little mini-vacation or weekend away. A little time off might be just what you need to get things back in perspective.

Finally, talk to someone you love and trust about how you’re feeling, and let the weight lift off your shoulders for a while by sharing it with him or her. If that doesn’t help, or you don’t have anyone close enough to do that right now, you should talk to a professional about how you’re feeling and get help getting things back on track.

Aim for a Good Work-Life Balance

Everyone tends to focus on the first part of balance: work. We work hard and believe that hard work will be rewarded with a great career and the financial success that should come naturally. But we often don’t realize that work alone isn’t enough to turn a boy into a boring boy – and Jill into an equally boring girl!

All work and no play also lead to burnout and stress, which can have significant negative effects on your mental and physical health. Workaholics are more prone to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, sleep disorders, digestive problems, and even high blood pressure.

They’re more prone to workplace injuries because they don’t take breaks from their tasks or know when enough is enough. They may also neglect their personal relationships in favor of work.

So what can you do about it? It’s easier than you think! Below you’ll find some strategies to achieve and maintain a healthy work-life balance:

  • Prioritize your life goals
  • Create a schedule
  • Set boundaries between your personal and professional time

Use Meditation to Let the Negative Thoughts Pass By

Meditation is an ancient practice that helps you accept your current situation and find ways forward.

Meditation can help you let go of negative thoughts and feelings because it teaches you to observe them as an outsider, acknowledge their presence, and then let them pass. In other words, meditation gives you the ability to just accept whatever happens and move on without getting too attached to it.

There are many different forms of meditation, but they all have the same goal: to allow positive thoughts into your mind while letting go of the negative ones.

The most common form of meditation is called “mindfulness.” This means that you notice what’s happening around you without judging it or getting emotionally involved with it (even though it seems like a good idea).

Mindfulness was brought to the West by the Vietnamese monk Thích Nhất Hạnh, who founded the wonderful Plum Village mindfulness monastery and retreat in France. They’re an excellent source of teachings on this.

Live More in the Present Moment

We all have a lot of “mental chatter” going on in our heads every moment. It’s very distracting to be doing one thing and have your mind completely elsewhere, whether it’s thinking about what to do next or replaying a past event.

When we learn to stay in the present moment and be aware of what we’re doing and experiencing, life becomes much more enjoyable.

It’s important to know that this doesn’t mean that you must never think about anything other than what you’re doing right now – humans need their imagination for many things! It just means that you can put thoughts aside if they don’t serve you (e.g. worrying about the future) or if they aren’t useful (working through the past).

When you feel down or get lost in negative thoughts about a tough situation, try to return to the present moment. What’s happening at this moment? Maybe you’re having a cup of tea, but try to pay attention only to what you’re experiencing right now:

  • How does it feel?
  • What do you see?
  • What’re you hearing?

By simply focusing on your experience, you can distract yourself from distracting thoughts and remind yourself that life isn’t so bad after all.

Understand What Is the Comfort Zone

The comfort zone isn’t a place! It’s a state of mind. It’s where you feel safe and want to do things the way you’ve always done them – because it feels familiar and comfortable to you.

However, staying in the comfort zone too long can be harmful because it keeps us from trying new things that could make our lives better.

So how can we escape the comfort zone? First, we need to accept that we need to change in order to grow.

To do that, we’ve to give up the false belief that life – or anything else – should always be easy.

Cultivate a Positive Attitude in Yourself

  • Cultivate a positive attitude within yourself. Attitude is everything and it determines how you respond to life’s challenges and joys.
  • A positive attitude makes you happier, attracts good things into your life, and has a contagious effect on those around you.
  • It’s also a choice and a powerful force that can help you determine the course of your life.
  • Don’t wait for happiness to come to you, but choose to be happy today, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
  • Stay optimistic about your future prospects. When the going gets tough, it’s easy to fall back into negative thought patterns – but remember that there will always be brighter days if you choose to be optimistic about the future.
  • Even if things look bleak right now, try not to let a negative attitude cloud your vision of what’s possible in the days ahead!

Celebrate the Small Things

Sometimes it feels like life is hard because there isn’t enough happiness. But it only seems that way because we forget to celebrate the little things. For every big promotion at work or successful new business venture you tackle, there are dozens of little moments that add up to a happy day.

Go down memory lane and think about what little thing makes you happy:

  • Is it the smell of fresh cookies?
  • A cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer afternoon?
  • The joy of a long bath after a strenuous workout?

Make a list of small things that make you happy, and strive to incorporate one or two of them into your daily routine each day. That way, you can be sure that you’ll still feel good at the end of your day, even if the whole day goes wrong – and with practice, that attitude can spread.

Celebrate the Small Wins

It’s not always easy to be kind to yourself and celebrate your small successes.

In our daily lives, we often catch ourselves prioritizing the things that *have* to get done over the things that *want* to get done. Getting a job, eating out, or paying the rent can feel like a necessity, but going out with friends, baking cookies, or reading a book is something we often put off until later.

As long as we forget about the things that make us happy and the little things in our lives, life will always be hard. We need to celebrate the small victories; they make life worth living! And that’s a good thing.