Helping others is a mission where you can learn a lot about people, yourself, and the world around you. It’s not an easy task to accomplish, but that’s what makes it so rewarding as you make progress. Everyone can help others in so many different ways. When I set myself this task, it opened up many incredible opportunities to help others in ways I didn’t know were possible before.
There Are Many Benefits to Helping Others
We all know that making a positive impact is a good thing. But there are also many benefits you may not have considered when helping others. Here are just a few of them:
You Learn More About the World Around You
You gain an understanding of their struggles and triumphs. This makes you more informed and aware of what’s going on in the world around you, which can be very useful in your career or personal life.
Being a helping hand also gives you the opportunity to see how other people live their lives and what they value most. You may discover similarities between you and the people you help and find that your values match. This can help build strong relationships between people who mightn’t get along so well at first glance.
Volunteering can make you feel better about yourself – especially if it’s someone who’s helped you before or someone who just needs a little extra push because they’re going through something difficult in their life.
It’s Good for Your Personal Growth
When we give to others at the individual level or through volunteer work, we often do so because it makes us feel useful. But when we focus on the recipient, we often forget to look at ourselves too! This is important because when we help others, we also question our own happiness.
For example, when doing community service at a charity like the local Red cross or a homeless shelter, we may realize that our own needs are not as important as we thought they were. We also learn to have more compassion and kindness for others.
It’s also important to remember that giving doesn’t always have to mean money or time. It can also be about giving someone a smile or a kind word when they need it most. It’s about making someone else happy by doing something nice for them.
You Get to Know People Better
To be a good helper, you need to know how to offer support and encouragement to the person who needs help.
To do this, you need to know what kind of help your friend or family member needs and how to provide it. For example, if someone tells you that he or she needs advice, you need to look into their personality and experiences. If they need someone to listen to, listen. If they want an activity partner, go out with them and do something fun together.
If you’re not sure what a person needs, ask them. You’ll probably find that they just need simple reassurance or advice, but sometimes people really need more help from others (and sometimes it’s not easy for these people to ask for what they need).
But there are also times when we can’t provide the help we’d like to because we’ve reached our limits ourselves or because it wouldn’t be helpful for other reasons (e.g., we don’t have the time or money). In these cases, it’s also important to know when we shouldn’t help, because this way we can avoid giving advice or support that’s not effective in certain situations or even harmful to others
You Learn New Areas
In every volunteer opportunity, you learn about new places and new situations. You learn about their culture and customs.
For example, when I started the WCA community, I thought I knew enough about the art world and social issues, but every time I started a new project, I realized there was a lot I didn’t know.
Through these experiences, I learned so much that I wouldn’t have otherwise – not only did they give me insight into life in other parts of the world, but they also opened my eyes when it comes to understanding how people with different circumstances (like children with special needs) live.
You Explore New Topics
When you help others, the topics you research can be so much more diverse than anything you could research on your own.
Every Research You Do When Volunteering Leads You to Topics You Couldn’t Have Imagined Before
You don’t think about it, but when people ask others for help, it’s because they don’t know how to solve their problem. They’ve no idea where to start or what information they need. And that’s where you come in!
When we try to help others, we learn to become experts on a subject we knew nothing about before. Even if you know the issue you’re working on, for example, you can find out how others have solved the problem or why it’s so difficult to solve. Within those answers, more questions will come up. The amount you can learn is endless!
You Learn More About Your Limitations
When you help others, you find out what you can and can’t do. You learn what your limits are, how far you’re willing to go for a friend or family member, and what kind of support system is available in an emergency.
In other words: As you help others, you quickly understand what’s important to you and what your boundaries are. You get clarity about how much time and energy you want to spend on others’ needs and how much on your own. And by understanding these things, you can determine how much give and take there should be between friends, family members, and strangers.
You Learn to Control Your Emotions
If you struggle with stress management, helping others can help you control your emotions.
For example, if you tend to be impatient, helping an older person store can help you understand how it feels to have someone else lose it with you. This isn’t to say that the older adults are impatient, but sometimes they may have health issues that control their emotions and make them react to you.
If you tend to get frustrated easily and jump on others as a result, you may want to take time off from work to volunteer to help with a natural disaster. Even people who’re normally calm can get upset in certain situations – for example, when their wallet is lost or their computer stops working – but learn not to let these small setbacks get you down too much.
You Practice Active Listening
Active listening isn’t only a skill you can learn and practice, it’s also a valuable skill to have in your arsenal. Here are a few ways you can practice active listening:
- Listen with more than just your ears. Be present with the person speaking, make eye contact, and nod occasionally to show you’re paying attention. This encourages the speaker to keep talking and feel comfortable enough to open up to you.
- Don’t interrupt or finish sentences for them! Some people expect to be done talking when they stop talking – but sometimes we interrupt because we’re so excited about what we’re going to say next! Instead, try asking open-ended questions like “What was the hardest part?” or something like that, rather than finishing the sentence for them – it shows interest without trying (or intending) too hard to get their attention back on our side.
It Can Help Your Professional Development
It can enhance your professional development because you learn new skills (problem-solving, research, time management, leadership, etc.). You’ll also meet new people who may become friends or acquaintances. Every new skill you learn through altruism is a skill for life!
You Improve Your Social Skills
You can improve your communication and social skills by helping others. When you make a new social connection who’s more vulnerable than you, communication can be more challenging because they probably won’t agree straight away with the way you do things. This requires you to communicate in a way that’s not hurtful.
So if you want to be more helpful and compassionate, you should improve your communication skills.
Here’s how to improve your communication skills when you help others:
- Listen to what others say and try to understand them before you answer or give advice.
- Be aware of how others might feel or react when they hear what you’ve to say. Listen carefully to how they react, and be open to changing your approach if necessary.
- Use words that respect the other person’s feelings to avoid hurt feelings or anger.
- Ask questions about what the other person thinks about something before giving advice or trying to solve a problem for them (e.g., “What do you think about this idea?”).
It Improves Your Standing in the Community and Workplace
A good deed is a good way to improve your standing in the community and workplace.
When people see your altruism, they think you’re a good person who cares about others and who works for a good cause
This is a good thing because your altruistic behavior can increase their trust in you and make them want to work with you or for you. It also helps build positive feelings within the group (especially if there are new people) so that everyone feels they can rely on each other when they’re needed.